You performed a search for:

  • Trail Opportunity: West Hants Regional Municipality
  • Parent Agency: Site
There are 5 record(s) that match your criteria.Click/Tap the listing name below for more information
  Trail, Water Route or Organization Name Located In Description (Brief)

Map RecordFalmouth Boat Launch, West Hants Parks and Recreation

Map RecordFalmouth Boat Launch, West Hants Parks and RecreationFalmouth  

Map RecordIrishmans Road Recreation Site and Trails, West Hants Parks and Recreation

Map RecordIrishmans Road Recreation Site and Trails, West Hants Parks and RecreationNewport Station This site boasts a beautiful and extensive shared use trail network with a mix of single-track and double track. Also located here are the Ryan Lahey Memorial (Soccer) fields and the Glooscap Heritage ... [More]

Map RecordUpper Burlington Planters Trail, West Hants Parks and Recreation

Map RecordUpper Burlington Planters Trail, West Hants Parks and RecreationUpper Burlington This park parcel is situated on (and near) land that was once inhabited by Mi’kmaq, Acadian, Planter, and Loyalist communities. This 3.0 acre property was purchased by the Municipality in September 1 ... [More]

Map RecordFalls Lake Municipal Land, West Hants Parks and Recreation

Map RecordFalls Lake Municipal Land, West Hants Parks and RecreationVaughan [More]

Map RecordArmstrong Lake Park, West Hants Parks and Recreation

Map RecordArmstrong Lake Park, West Hants Parks and RecreationWest Hants This beautiful little park offers a place to picnic, swim, launch your canoe/kayak, and take a stroll on a trail through beautiful coniferous forest along the lakeside. Situated in Chalet Hamlet in V ... [More]

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