Balancing Rock Trail

Record #: MDD0003
Last Modified: 08 May 2020
Last Full Update: 12 Mar 2019


Public Bulletin Closed until further notice in response to Covid-19. For more information see the Digby Trails webpage ( May 8 Covid update


Located In Municipality of the District of Digby
Where To Find Us
2652 Hwy 217
Tiverton, NS
Areas Served Annapolis Valley Region ; Digby County ; Municipality of the District of Digby ; Nova Scotia

Contact Information

Social Media Instagram
Contact Jonathan Riley, trail coordinator; Phone: 9022452861; Email:


Trail Rating Some significant hill or stair climbing Well-groomed trails with very little more difficult terrain Wilderness/Nature
Information How is it balanced there? 20 tonnes or more of volcanic rock balanced precariously on a ledge above the waves of St. Mary’s Bay. 
The 1.7 km Balancing Rock Trail leads visitors from the parking lot, just off Highway 217 outside Tiverton, through woods and bog to the southern shore of Long Island. 
At the end of the trail, a series of 235 wooden steps provide access to a cliffside viewing platform overlooking the 20-foot high finger of basalt. 
Please exercise safe outdoor recreation practices and always remember to tell someone where you are going and when you expect to return.  
Please do not leave valuables in your vehicle.  
Hunting is a popular activity in Nova Scotia.  
Please remember you are hiking in a wilderness area, and wearing “hunter orange” is advisable during hunting seasons (September to the latter part of December).
Accessibility Partially Wheelchair Accessible

Special Information

Categories - Trail & Water Route Specific Hiking Trails

Agency Overview

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