Drury Lane
Annapolis Royal, NS
Cornwallis Basin View Mall
Cornwallis, NS
Belleisle Marsh Rd
Belleisle, NS
Starting Point: Rotary Raceway Park
337 Marshall St
Middleton, NS
Needs Convenience Store
Nictaux, NS
Cottage Cove Provincial Park
11935 Shore Rd E
Port George, NS
Port Royal Habitation
Granville Rd
Port Royal, NS
Drury Lane
Annapolis Royal, NS
Drury Lane
Annapolis Royal, NS
Start/Finish: Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Park
232 Granville St
Bridgetown, NS
Drury Lane
Annapolis Royal, NS
Kejimkujik National Park & National Historic Site of Canada
Maitland Bridge, NS
Annapolis Royal, NS
Riverside Park
80 Bridge St
Middleton, NS
Needs Convenience Store
Nictaux, NS
Rotary Raceway Park
337 Marshall St
Middleton, NS
Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Park
232 Granville St
Bridgetown, NS
Drury Lane
Annapolis Royal, NS
Raven Haven Beachside Family Park
2239 Virginia Rd
West Springhill, NS
Needs Convenience Store
Nictaux, NS
Valley View Provincial Park
960 Hampton Mountain Rd
Bridgetown, NS
Drury Lane
Annapolis Royal, NS
7956 Route 8
Access: Lake LaRose
Access: Gibsons Mill
West Dalhousie
Access: Neaves Road
West Dalhousie
Access: Thorne Road
West Dalhousie
Access: Kelly Bridge at Kelly Brook
West Dalhousie
Access: McGill Lake
West Dalhousie
Access: Portage 1 (Shannon Lake)
Route 10
Springfield (Anna. Co.)
Access: Beach in Community Park off Hastings Rd (Springfield Lake)
Springfield (Anna. Co.)
Access: Portage 1 (Shannon Lake)
Route 10
Springfield (Anna. Co.)
Access: Kingston
Bridge St
Access: Grand Lake
West Grand Lake Rd
Access: Bridge over Allains River
Highway 1
Annapolis Royal
Access: Bridge at headwaters to the East Branch Medway River
West Dalhousie
Access: Hendry Dam Bridge north of Hendry Lake
West Dalhousie
Access: Boot Lake from Milford House
Route 8
Milford (Anna Co.)
Access: Annapolis Royal Wharf & Haul Up
St George St
Annapolis Royal
Access: Cloud Lake Public Landing
Torbrook East
Access: Lake Torment
Lake Torment Rd
Lake Munro
Access: Lake Joli, other lakes and Shelburne River
Morganville Rd
Digby Co.
Access: Raven Haven
2239 Virginia Rd
Milford (Anna Co.), NS
Access: Liverpool Head Lake
Milford (Anna Co.)
Access: Bridge on Logging Rd (Northeast Lakes)
Off Victory Rd
Victory (Anna Co.)
Access: Jakes Landing (Kejimkujik Lake and Peskewesk Lakes System)
1507 Kejimkujik Main Pkwy
Maitland Bridge
Access: Route 13 Lake Alma at Rudoph Stream
West Dalhousie
Access:Beach (First Pond)
Greenland (Digby Co.)
Access: Wharf St
Bear River
7464 Hwy 1
Upper Granville, NS
Orchard Dr
Nictaux, NS
Old Mill Trail
213 Adam Dr
South Farmington, NS
Roxbury Rd
Roxbury, NS