Harvest Moon Trailway

Destination Trails Nova Scotia

Record #: ARR0080
Last Modified: 13 Oct 2020
Last Full Update: 28 Nov 2018


Located In Annapolis Valley Region

Contact Information

Website destinationtrailsnovascotia.com/trails/harvest-moon-trailway/
E-Mail bethpattillo1@gmail.com
Contact Elizabeth Patillo, Annapolis Valley Trails Coalition Board Chair


Information A 117KM trail built on a former rail bed, spanning from Annapolis Royal to Grand-PrĂ©. The trail is maintained by local trail groups and Municipalities, and offers an easily traveled, scenic destination trail for hiking, cycling, and allowed motored vehicles in specific portions.  
Please visit the www.destinationtrailsnovascotia.com webiste for detailed info and great trip planning features. For specific inquiries regarding the trail, please contact Beth Patillo, Annapolis Valley Trails Coalition Chairperson, at 902-679-7715. 
Accessibility Partially Wheelchair Accessible

Special Information

Categories - Trail & Water Route Specific Hiking Trails ; Snowshoeing Trails ; Biking Trails & Routes

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