| Gab and Grub Social Group | New Minas |
| Gaeilge sa Ghleann, Irish Language classes | Annapolis County |
| Games Night | Kentville |
| Garden and Labyrinth, Tangled Garden | Grand Pré |
| Gaspereau United Baptist Church | Gaspereau |
| Gaspereau Valley Elementary School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Gaspereau |
| Gates U-Pick | Port Williams |
| General Grant, The Municipality of West Hants | West Hants |
| Geocaching, Geocaching | West Hants |
| Geocaching, GPS Loan Program | West Hants |
| Geocaching, Noggins Corner Farm Market | Greenwich |
| Geocaching in Nova Scotia Parks- Passport Program, Nova Scotia Provincial Parks | Nova Scotia |
| Ghost Town | Annapolis Royal |
| Gibson Woods & District Community Centre | Centreville (Kings Co.) |
| Gibson Woods United Baptist Church | Centreville (Kings Co.) |
| Girl Guide Programs, Nova Scotia Council, West Hants Region | Windsor |
| Girl Guides, Brownies (7-8) | Wilmot |
| Girl Guides, Brownies (7-8) | Aylesford |
| Girl Guides, Brownies (7-8) | Coldbrook |
| Girl Guides, Brownies (7-8) | Kentville |
| Girl Guides, Brownies (7-8) | Gaspereau |
| Girl Guides, Brownies (7-8) | St. Croix |
| Girl Guides, Brownies (7-8) | Brooklyn (West Hants) |
| Girl Guides, Brownies (7-8) | Hantsport |
| Girl Guides, Brownies (7-8) | New Minas |
| Girl Guides, Brownies (7-8) | Canning |
| Girl Guides, Brownies (7-8) | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
| Girl Guides, Guides (9-11) | Berwick |
| Girl Guides, Guides (9-11) | Wilmot |
| Girl Guides, Guides (9-11) | Aylesford |
| Girl Guides, Guides (9-11) | Coldbrook |
| Girl Guides, Guides (9-11) | Kentville |
| Girl Guides, Guides (9-11) | Gaspereau |
| Girl Guides, Guides (9-11) | Windsor Forks |
| Girl Guides, Guides (9-11) | New Minas |
| Girl Guides, Guides (9-11) | Canning |
| Girl Guides, Guides (9-11) | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
| Girl Guides, Pathfinders (12-14) | Aylesford |
| Girl Guides, Pathfinders (12-14) | Kentville |
| Girl Guides, Pathfinders (12-14) | Gaspereau |
| Girl Guides, Pathfinders (12-14) | Greenwich |
| Girl Guides, Pathfinders (12-14) | Windsor Forks |
| Girl Guides, Pathfinders (12-14) | Canning |
| Girl Guides, Pathfinders (13-14) | Berwick |
| Girl Guides, Rangers (15-17) | Aylesford |
| Girl Guides, Rangers (15-17) | Kentville |
| Girl Guides, Rangers (15-17) | Gaspereau |
| Girl Guides, Sparks (5-6) | Berwick |
| Girl Guides, Sparks (5-6) | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
| Girl Guides, Sparks (5-6) | Wilmot |
| Girl Guides, Sparks (5-6) | Aylesford |
| Girl Guides, Sparks (5-6) | Coldbrook |
| Girl Guides, Sparks (5-6) | Kentville |
| Girl Guides, Sparks (5-6) | Gaspereau |
| Girl Guides, Sparks (5-6) | Hantsport |
| Girl Guides, Sparks (5-6) | Brooklyn (West Hants) |
| Girl Guides, Sparks (5-6) | Canning |
| Girl Guides, Sparks (5-6) | New Minas |
| Girl Guides, Sparks (5-6) | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
| Girl Guides of Canada, Valley Region | Annapolis Valley Region |
| Girls Night Out, New Minas Recreation | New Minas |
| Girls Only Running Program, Kids' Run Club/Doctors Nova Scotia | Nova Scotia |
| Girls Winter Adventure Club, An afterschool program for KCA girls grades 6-8 | Kentville |
| Glooscap Curling Club | Kentville |
| Glooscap Curling Club, Facility Rental | Kentville |
| Glooscap District Arena | Canning |
| Glooscap Elementary After School Program, Glooscap Elementary School | Canning |
| Glooscap Elementary School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Canning |
| Glooscap First Nation Band Office | Glooscap First Nation / Pesikitk' |
| Glooscap First Nation Health and Healing Centre | Glooscap First Nation / Pesikitk' |
| Glooscap Heritage Archers Association | Newport Station |
| Glooscap Nature Trail | Glooscap First Nation / Pesikitk' |
| Good Neighbour Club, Centreville Community Hall | Centreville (Kings Co.) |
| Gordon Hughes Tennis Club, Windsor Tennis Club | Windsor |
| Grafton Community Centre | Grafton |
| Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia, Annapolis Royal Masonic Lodge No. 33 | Annapolis Royal |
| Grand-Pré Acadian Days | Grand Pré |
| Grand-Pré National Historic Site, Parks Canada | Grand Pré |
| Grant Potter Memorial Park | Annapolis Royal |
| Grants, Town of Windsor | Windsor |
| Granville Centre Community Hall | Granville Centre |
| Granville Centre United Baptist Church | Granville Centre |
| Granville Ferry Community Hall | Granville Ferry |
| Granville Ferry United Baptist Church | Granville Ferry |
| Greenwich Fire Department | Greenwich |
| Greenwich Fire Department, Hall Rental | Greenwich |
| Greenwood Archery Club | Greenwood (Kings County) |
| Greenwood Curling Club | Greenwood (Kings County) |
| Greenwood Golf Club | Greenwood (Kings County) |
| Greenwood Military Aviation Museum | Greenwood (Kings County) |
| Greenwood Minor Basketball | Greenwood (Kings County) |
| Greenwood Minor Basketball Club | Greenwood (Kings County) |
| Greenwood Multisport Club | Greenwood (Kings County) |
| Greenwood Running Club | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
| Greenwood Skating Club | Greenwood (Kings County) |
| Guided Hikes | Kings County (NS) |
| Guided HIkes, Hikes | |
| Guided Learn to Hike Program, Hike Program | West Hants |
| Guidelines for Reopening BC’s Swimming Pools and Waterfronts | |
| Gulliver's Cove Trails, High Cliff look off | Gulliver's Cove |
| Gymnasium, Berwick & District School | Berwick |
| Gymnasium, Central Kings Rural High School | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
| Gymnasium, Kingston & District School | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
| Gymnastics Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |